Example EBC / A+ Section
If customers are scrolling down to the EBC /A+ section, it’s because they’re interested and want to learn more about your product and brand. EBC / A+ pulls them in by elaborating on your value propositions.
A customer who knows what they are getting is less likely to return it or post a negative review.
The more information people have, the more they want to engage. Amazon’s algorithm measures how long shoppers remain on your page and rewards that by elevating your page in the page rankings. EBC / A+ gives them a reason to stay and absorb more content.
Example Amazon Store
Multi-page Amazon Stores can be up to 3 levels deep and can be used to showcase all your brand’s available products on Amazon in one place.
The shopping experience can be enhanced with rich media and content, such as video and multiple images.
The new Insights feature enables you to measure the effectiveness of the Store and how a customer interacts with the different pages:
Daily Visitors, Views, Sales, Units Sold, Views/Visitor.
Insights also enables brands to tag external, off-Amazon traffic to the Store so that the effectiveness of advertising and social media campaigns can be assessed.